Friday, March 25, 2011

Some Reviews I Did This Week

I'm doing my best to get on track with this blog, but there's still a lot of writing to be done for other sites. As of late, the games I've been posting on here are certainly new to me (and my collection) but the main purpose of this blog is really to dig through my older stuff. The main reason the newer games have been added at all is because of reviews I had to do, of course.

When I'm in the mood I'll post little blurbs here like usual off those review copies, but I can't do it for everything. As such, this post is just going to serve as a small link bin for the other stuff I wrote this week on other sites. It's a good way for me to keep track and let curious eyes take a peek. Something that reviewing for sites has reminded me of though is how much I hate game review scores. I understand their point and purpose, but when everyone quantifies the only suitable games as being rated 7 and higher it is stupid. So we've got 6 degrees of crap? Personally any game rated 5 to me is still totally worth playing if you are a fan of  the genre or something. Maybe only a 1 or 2 would be devoid of gameplay value. Waaaah I'm becoming part of the system I hate...

Wee, now I feel better. I picked up a bunch of games this week too and am contemplating posting about my PS2 purchases. That way, I could start being kind of like famicomblog where that fellow is trying to collect all Famicom games. I' have been working to do the same with PS2 so it might be a neat aside. We'll see!

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