Monday, November 14, 2011

Here's a Neat Zine

It always surprises me how many gaming zines there are online. Not only that, but how many are single-person ventures. Knowing how much work it takes to fill up even 20 pages makes it seem like quite the undertaking for just one person to cobble up. Still, it seems like this is common in the zine world and I'm glad that people have the drive to go for it.

Yesterday's Gamer is one of these solo endeavors and apparently has been worked on since early 2010. In case you couldn't tell by the title, the zine basically takes a look back at some great games from over the years. There's talk about Metal Slug, Silent Hill 2, Bishi Bashi Special, and a lot more. It also seems that the zine's author, Joshua Croft, has a better feel for graphic design then other zines out there. It's not the world's most polished production but it is definitely clear and readable. If you've got some time online to spare it might be worth checking out.

PS: The writer is also the guy behind ThisKidPlaysGames.

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