Thursday, April 7, 2011

Every Once in a While Destructoid Annoys Me

Destructoid is a pretty good alternative to Kotaku, and certainly has some distinct voices writing for it. Sometimes some pretty objectionable stuff is written in posts, but thankfully not nearly as often. Either way, today I saw a post that bothered me a bit. 

"Here is a new LA Noire trailer for you to fap over". Now, I understand that Destructoid and other sites seem to thrive off of potty humor and boys club jokes, but why do they? It's a very safe audience to play to but it sure doesn't help make video game "journalism" sound like a very serious prospect. Games are fun, and it is fun when writing about them reflects this. However, I'd personally like to see less scatalogical, misogynistic, and just plain 14 year old crude humor jokes plastered throughout blogs. 

It doesn't seem to be too much to ask either. It's up to the writer to choose if they'll take the high road or guffaw about things middle schoolers find funny. Actually, the idea that someone would be geeky enough to "fap" over a video game trailer is kind of amusing to me. Still, the implication is that gamers are male (if you take fap to only refer to male masturbation) and immature as all get out. 

Overall the article is tiny and doesn't make any other sex jokes so there's really nothing to object to in the piece. Just felt like pointing it out because it's one of the few times Destructiod has pushed out a crude joke in their titles for an article NOT published by Jim Sterling. I don't think that the precedent he sets is one that others should want or try to emulate. A few weeks ago he posted at least 5 articles in one week which had horribly sexual and awkward titles (that of course had nothing to do with the topic being written about). I feel like he was letting off steam about the whole feminist throwdown around that time - but that topic has already been discussed by people much more knowledgeable than I. 

Speaking of which, two nights ago I had a dream about Brian Crecente of Kotaku and we engaged in mortal combat. Yes, that is combat and not Kombat. Unfortunately, now I don't remember who emerged victorious from our battle. 

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